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Celebrity Recital: Susan Platts | Town Hall, Bayfield, ON
The Bayfield debut of distinguished mezzo, Susan Platts

date: June 12, 2010

Distinguished mezzo, Susan Platts, who had sung several times with us in Toronto, presented a concert of Lieder by Robert and Clara Schumann, songs of the Hebrides and a variety of other songs by English and American composers.  The concert was affectionately dedicated to the memory of Clare Mazzoleni Piller, an enthusiast for the Bayfield Festival of Song.

Die gute Nacht Platts, Susan, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano Schumann, Clara Rückert, Friedrich
Was weinst du, Blümlein in Morgenschein? Op.23/1 Platts, Susan, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano Schumann, Clara Rollett, Herman
Mein Stern Platts, Susan, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano Schumann, Clara Rolle, Friedrich
Liebst du um Schönheit, Op.12/4 Platts, Susan, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano Schumann, Clara Rückert, Friedrich
Seit ich ihm gesehen, Op.42/1 (Frauenliebe und -leben) Platts, Susan, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano Schumann, Robert Chamisso, Adelbert von
Er, der Herrlichste von allen, Op.42/2 (Frauenliebe und -leben) Platts, Susan, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano Schumann, Robert Chamisso, Adelbert von
Ich kann’s nicht fassen, Op.42/3 (Frauenliebe und -leben) Platts, Susan, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano Schumann, Robert Chamisso, Adelbert von
Du Ring an meinem Finger, Op.42/4 (Frauenliebe und -leben) Platts, Susan, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano Schumann, Robert Chamisso, Adelbert von
Helft mir, ihr Schwestern, Op.42/5 (Frauenliebe und -leben) Platts, Susan, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano Schumann, Robert Chamisso, Adelbert von
Süsser Freund, Op.42/6 (Frauenliebe und -leben) Platts, Susan, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano Schumann, Robert Chamisso, Adelbert von
An meinem Herzen, Op.42/7 (Frauenliebe und -leben) Platts, Susan, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano Schumann, Robert Chamisso, Adelbert von
Nun hast du mir den ersten Schmerz getan, Op.42/8 (Frauenliebe und -leben) Platts, Susan, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano Schumann, Robert Chamisso, Adelbert von
A Wandering Shade (Songs of the Hebrides) Platts, Susan, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano Hebridean folksong, arr. Kennedy-Fraser, Marjory anon.
Kishmul’s Galley (Songs of the Hebrides) Platts, Susan, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano Hebridean folksong, arr. Kennedy-Fraser, Marjory anon.
Hame oor bottachan (Songs of the Hebrides) Platts, Susan, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano Hebridean folksong, arr. Kennedy-Fraser, Marjory anon.
Eriskay Love Lilt (Songs of the Hebrides) Platts, Susan, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano Hebridean folksong, arr. Kennedy-Fraser, Marjory anon.
Early one morning Platts, Susan, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano English folksong, arr. Perry, Douglas anon.
Silent Noon (The House of Life) Platts, Susan, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano Vaughan Williams, Ralph Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
In the still of the night (Rosalie) Platts, Susan, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano Porter, Cole Porter, Cole
Drink to me only with thine eyes Platts, Susan, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano trad., arr. Quilter, Roger Jonson, Ben
Over the mountains Platts, Susan, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano trad., arr. Quilter, Roger anon. (Percy’s Reliques)
Now sleeps the crimson petal Platts, Susan, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano Quilter, Roger Tennyson, Alfred, Lord
Love’s Philosophy Platts, Susan, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano Quilter, Roger Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Che faro senza Euridice? (Orfeo ed Euridice)   – ENCORE Platts, Susan, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano Gluck, Christoph Willibald von Calzabigi, Ranieri de’