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Clair de lune – March 8, 1992 | Walter Hall, Toronto
Music by Gabriel Fauré

date: March 8, 1992

As part of our 10th Anniversary Season, we presented a survey of one of our favourite composers, Gabriel Fauré.  Our choice, taken from his 60 years of song-writing, included a complete performance of the Cinq mélodies de Venise to poems of Paul Verlaine, shared among our four singers, and was framed by the six piano-duets of Dolly.  We also performed some partsongs and a scene from Fauré’s last, great, opera:  Pénélope.

Song Artist Composer Poet
Berceuse, Op.56/1 (Dolly) Ralls, Stephen / Ubukata, Bruce, piano Fauré, Gabriel n/a
Le Papillon et la fleur, Op.1/1 Landry, Rosemarie, soprano; Ralls, Stephen, piano Fauré, Gabriel Hugo, Victor
Cantique de Jean Racine, Op.11 Landry, Rosemarie, soprano; Robbin, Catherine, mezzo; Schade, Michael, tenor; Braun, Russell, baritone; Ralls, Stephen, piano Fauré, Gabriel Racine, Jean (trans. from the Roman breviary)
Lydia, Op.4/2 Braun, Russell, baritone; Ubukata, Bruce, piano Fauré, Gabriel Leconte de Lisle, Charles-Marie-René
Mi-a-ou, Op.56/2 (Dolly) Ralls, Stephen / Ubukata, Bruce, piano Fauré, Gabriel n/a
Chanson du pêcheur (Lamento), Op. 4/1 Robbin, Catherine, mezzo; Ubukata, Bruce, piano Fauré, Gabriel Gautier, Théophile
Puisqu’ici-bas toute âme, Op.10/1 Landry, Rosemarie, soprano; Robbin, Catherine, mezzo; Ubukata, Bruce, piano Fauré, Gabriel Hugo, Victor
Fleur jetée, Op.39/2 Schade, Michael, tenor; Ralls, Stephen, piano Fauré, Gabriel Silvestre, Armand
Adieu, Op.21/3 (Poème d’un jour) Schade, Michael, tenor; Ralls, Stephen, piano Fauré, Gabriel Grandmougin, Charles
Automne, Op.18/3 Braun, Russell, baritone; Ubukata, Bruce, piano Fauré, Gabriel Silvestre, Armand
Clair de lune, Op.46/2 Robbin, Catherine, mezzo; Ubukata, Bruce, piano Fauré, Gabriel Verlaine, Paul
La Rose (Ode anacréontique), Op.51/4 Landry, Rosemarie, soprano; Ralls, Stephen, piano Fauré, Gabriel Leconte de Lisle, Charles-Marie-René
Souvenirs de Bayreuth (excerpt) Ralls, Stephen / Ubukata, Bruce, piano Fauré, Gabriel / Messager, André n/a
Mandoline, Op.58/1 (Cinq Mélodies de Venise) Braun, Russell, baritone; Ubukata, Bruce, piano Fauré, Gabriel Verlaine, Paul
En sourdine, Op.58/2 (Cinq Mélodies de Venise) Landry, Rosemarie, soprano; Ubukata, Bruce, piano Fauré, Gabriel Verlaine, Paul
Tendresse, Op.56/5 (Dolly) Ralls, Stephen / Ubukata, Bruce, piano Fauré, Gabriel n/a
Green, Op.58/3 (Cinq Mélodies de Venise) Braun, Russell, baritone; Ubukata, Bruce, piano Fauré, Gabriel Verlaine, Paul
A Clymène, Op.58/4 (Cinq Mélodies de Venise) Schade, Michael, tenor; Ralls, Stephen, piano Fauré, Gabriel Verlaine, Paul
C’est l’extase, Op.58/5 (Cinq Mélodies de Venise) Robbin, Catherine, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano Fauré, Gabriel Verlaine, Paul
Kitty valse, Op.56/4 (Dolly) Ralls, Stephen / Ubukata, Bruce, piano Fauré, Gabriel n/a
La lune blanche, Op.61/3 (La Bonne chanson) Landry, Rosemarie, soprano; Ralls, Stephen, piano Fauré, Gabriel Verlaine, Paul
Prison, Op.83/1 Schade, Michael, tenor; Ubukata, Bruce, piano Fauré, Gabriel Verlaine, Paul
Pleurs d’or, Op. 72 Robbin, Catherine, mezzo; Braun, Russell, baritone; Ubukata, Bruce, piano Fauré, Gabriel Samain, Albert
Le Jardin de Dolly, Op.56/3 (Dolly) Ralls, Stephen / Ubukata, Bruce, piano Fauré, Gabriel n/a
Le Pas espagnol, Op.56/6 (Dolly) Ralls, Stephen / Ubukata, Bruce, piano Fauré, Gabriel n/a
Dans le forêt de septembre, Op.85/1 Robbin, Catherine, mezzo; Ubukata, Bruce, piano Fauré, Gabriel Mendès, Catulle
Je me plaignais du sort (Pénélope) Landry, Rosemarie, soprano; Robbin, Catherine, mezzo; Schade, Michael, tenor; Ralls, Stephen / Ubukata, Bruce, piano Fauré, Gabriel Fauchois, René
Danseuse, Op.113/4 (Mirages) Schade, Michael, tenor; Ralls, Stephen, piano Fauré, Gabriel Brimont, Renée de
Diane, Séléné, Op.118/3 (L’Horizon chimérique) Braun, Russell, baritone; Ralls, Stephen, piano Fauré, Gabriel La Ville de Mirmont, Jean de
Vaisseaux, nous vous aurons aimés, Op.118/4 (L’Horizon chimérique) Braun, Russell, baritone; Ralls, Stephen, piano Fauré, Gabriel La Ville de Mirmont, Jean de
Madrigal, Op.35 Landry, Rosemarie, soprano; Robbin, Catherine, mezzo; Schade, Michael, tenor; Braun, Russell, baritone; Ralls, Stephen, piano Fauré, Gabriel Silvestre, Armand