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The Tale of the Ostrich | Walter Hall, Toronto
The songs of Richard Strauss

date: March 2, 2008

Our programme presented a survey of the songs for voice and piano which Richard Strauss published between 1885 and 1942.  A great spur to song composition was provided by his relationship with the soprano Pauline de Ahna, who became his pupil in 1887 and his wife in 1894.  The flow of Lieder continued until 1906 (Die heilige drei Könige) after which the operas from Elektra onward absorbed Strauss’s attention.  Mme de Ahna had retired from the concert stage but in 1918, with the discovery of a new Lieder partner (Elisabeth Schumann), song composition began again, though never with the earlier exuberance  –  and a significant number were now composed with orchestral accompaniment.  As well as the songs (performed for us by three well-qualified performers), the narration in this concert gave a broad overview of the context of the songs in the composer’s life and examined the controversial aspect of his apolitical stance, especially from the 1930s onward  –  hence the play on words which gave rise to our title.

Song Artist Composer Poet
Breit über mein Haupt, Op.19/2 Addis, Phillip, baritone; Ubukata, Bruce, piano Strauss, Richard Schack, Adolf Friedrich von
All mein Gedanken, Op.21/1 Tucker, Laura, mezzo; Ubukata, Bruce, piano Strauss, Richard Dahn, Felix
Zueignung, Op.10/1 Henson, Joni, soprano; Ralls, Stephen, piano Strauss, Richard Gilm, Hermann von
Ich liebe dich, Op.37/2 Addis, Phillip, baritone; Ralls, Stephen, piano Strauss, Richard Liliencron, Detlev von
Meinem Kinde, Op.37/3 Tucker, Laura, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano Strauss, Richard Falke, Gustav
Nachtgang, Op.29/3 Addis, Phillip, baritone; Ubukata, Bruce, piano Strauss, Richard Bierbaum, Otto Julius
Die heiligen drei Könige, Op.56/6 Henson, Joni, soprano; Ralls, Stephen / Ubukata, Bruce, piano Strauss, Richard Heine, Heinrich
Ach, weh mir, unglückhaftem Mann, Op.21/4 Addis, Phillip, baritone; Ubukata, Bruce, piano Strauss, Richard Dahn, Felix
Allerseelen, Op.10/8 Tucker, Laura, mezzo; Ubukata, Bruce, piano Strauss, Richard Gilm, Hermann von
Befreit, Op.39/4 Henson, Joni, soprano; Ralls, Stephen, piano Strauss, Richard Dehmel, Richard
Heimliche Aufforderung, Op.27/3 Addis, Phillip, baritone; Ralls, Stephen, piano Strauss, Richard Mackay, John Henry
Gefunden, Op.56/1 Tucker, Laura, mezzo; Ubukata, Bruce, piano Strauss, Richard Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Das Bächlein Henson, Joni, soprano; Ubukata, Bruce, piano Strauss, Richard anon.
Walzer (Der Rosenkavalier) Ralls, Stephen / Ubukata, Bruce, piano Strauss, Richard, arr. Singer, Otto n/a
Blick vom oberen Belvedere Henson, Joni, soprano; Ralls, Stephen, piano Strauss, Richard Weinheber, Josef
Im Sonnenschein Addis, Phillip, baritone; Ralls, Stephen, piano Strauss, Richard Rückert, Friedrich
Mein Herz ist stumm, Op.19/6 Tucker, Laura, mezzo; Ralls, Stephen, piano Strauss, Richard Schack, Adolf Friedrich von
Ruhe, meine Seele! Op.27/1 Henson, Joni, soprano; Ubukata, Bruce, piano Strauss, Richard Henckell, Karl
Lieben, Hassen, Hoffen, Zagen (Ariadne auf Naxos, Op.60) –   ENCORE Henson, Joni, soprano; Addis, Phillip, baritone; Ralls, Stephen, piano Strauss, Richard Hofmannsthal, Hugo von